Unto Him who is one with the Three Mothers ( shaktis of Will, Knowledge and Action) the dweller of ajna and the sahasrara chakras, we offer our very selves in sacrifice unto Him who awakens our shakti right from the muladhara chakra, thus activating fragrances in our body, prana and mind, unto Him who nourishes all our shaktis, strengthens our devotion by his grace, and makes us advance into the spiritual dimension. Ma-amrtāt: may I never again be parted from the immortality (of atman, the Spiritual Self, or parama-atman, the Supreme Self). Urvārukam-iva: As a melon drops from the vine upon ripening, so, may we, upon the ripening of the fruits of our actions,īandhanat, Mrtyoh: from bondage that is death, and thereby,

Pushti-vardhanam: Unto him who nourishes all our shaktis, strengthens and increases our devotion by His grace, and makes us advance into the spiritual dimension, Su-gandhim: Unto Him who awakens our shakti right from the muladhara chakra, thus activating fragrances in our body, prana and mind, Yajāmahe: we offer our very selves in internal sacrifice, Try-ambakam: Unto Him who is One with the three Mothers (the shaktis of will, knowledge and action) the dweller of ajna and the sahasrara chakras,